Monday, January 16, 2017

January 2017 Photo Challenge- Part 2

If you haven't already checked out part one of my January 2017 photo challenge, you should definitely give it a look! Reading and viewing the first part of the challenge will also help you to understand why I do these as well as a little bit about my life. Part 2 contains day 16 - 31 of this challenge. I hope you all are enjoying keeping up as much as I am enjoying shooting! With that said, I'll get straight to it.


January 31st ~ Theme: Healthy

My daughter asked me if we could make cookies together tonight and while I was thinking about healthy I thought what could be more healthy than spending quality time with your daughter? But then she gave up on me about half way through baking so I ended up with only a few photos of her helping and more photos of the cookies. Ya know, some days you just need comfort food and quality time and today, that's my version of healthy.

January 29th ~ Theme: Peaceful

Peace can be a scarce thing at our house. I've got a 3 year old (who I'm pretty sure is going on 13) and a husband who is constantly on the run, not to mention my busy schedule to boot. Our evenings are generally scattered and chaotic. We're usually hustling from school pickup to cooking dinner, from dinner to bath time, and from bath time to bed time, with a little playing in-between of course. 

They warn you about terrible two's but no one lets you know about the threenager stage. The three's came with a boat load of extra energy, additional knowledge on how to trick her parents, sprinkled with the frequent temper tantrum to test how far she can get away with things. There are days where it takes effort to enjoy this phase, and then there are days when simply taking a walk can be the best part of my day! She brings chaos, joy, and peace to our lives every single day... and I wouldn't change it for the world!!

January 28th ~ Theme: Mess

Ironically I "spring cleaned" my house today; purging it of bags of unnecessary junk and boxing the rest to be sold during our neighborhood garage sale that's coming up. In the midst of this giant mess I called my home, it didn't even occur to me to grab my camera. I was in work mode and if I switched to creative mode I would have lost my whole work flow. So at the end of this tiring but productive day, here lies the pile of lost socks that my husband brought with him when he moved in 2 months ago. This pile has migrated to different locations a few times and has even grown by a few socks since it made it's way into my (now our) condo.

{P.S. People warn you of all the adjusting you have to do when you get married but what they don't tell you is that hairy husbands leave twice as much hair in the bathroom as a girl ever will in the drain!}

This pile of socks that has been driving me nuts for weeks currently lays right in front of my dresser (mostly because I'm in the middle of finding the other half of them and purging the rest but that's beside the point). This pile of socks represents the many ways my husband and I are different, it represents heated conversations about cleaning up after yourself and doing things a different way, and it represents his individuality before he became a husband... this pile of socks somehow illustrates the fact that I am loved. How does a pile of socks show any form of love you ask? There was a time in my life when I would have killed for a pile of unmatched socks to drive me nuts. There were times when I felt lonely, much like I would guess a single sock to feel if it had feelings. This pile of socks suggests that I have a man to call my own; that though we may drive each other crazy some days, we love each other. This pile of socks reminds me that though I may be lonely when he travels, I am never alone in this walk of life.

This pile of socks not only illustrates that I am loved, but is also an indication of how blessed I am. This stupid, single, unorganized pile of mess symbolizes everything I wanted out of life and I am happy to say that though there are days when I struggle; I have what I always wanted.

January 27th ~ Theme: Books

I actually took this photo when I had the theme simple but decided it wasn't simple enough for the theme. I love paper books, I love how they smell and feel. I could never switch to digital books because it would just lose some of its charm.

January 26th ~ Theme: View

There are so many things that we view through the day but this one puddle caught my attention. A simple reminder that fall has gone and the cold winter is here. This simple puddle that caused me to stop in my tracks and put my day on hold so I could run for my camera. It's amazing to me how everyone views life individually, differently things stand out to everyone, and to me it was this puddle with a perfect reflection of a leaf.

January 25th ~ Theme: Play

Oh to be young again! To find the joy and innocence in every situation. What it must be like to play through life with no worries... never grow up dear baby, never grow up!

January 24th ~ Theme: Art

Anyone who has met me or follows me knows me to super artsy craftsy, however drawing and free handing ARE NOT my strong point. I started Bible journaling several months ago and while 95% of the drawings are not free handed, I still love them. They are quick reminders of lessons that I've learned through the years. It is scripture that I want to be sure not to forget. It's my artsy craftsy meeting my love for the Bible <3 p="">

January 23rd ~ Theme: Love

Due to the fact that I photograph my daughter daily, posted my sister a few days ago, and rarely have free time with my husband (other than 10:30 pm), I decided to rock some self love for my love theme.

There are a million days that I struggle with self doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, etc, not to mention feeling overwhelmed. I struggle to feel like I succeed at being a mom, a wife, and simply a person. Life often doesn't go the way I planned it to and that causes all of the above emotions to take control. But here's the thing y'all... I'm human, I'm not perfect, but I am definitely loved. I am definitely not a failure. AND I AM ENOUGH... even if I do have to remind myself on a daily basis!

January 22nd ~ Theme: Neighborhood

Have you ever walked around your neighborhood just to admire the ordinary beauty that you miss out on every day? We rush around getting to work or running errands or heading home to get dinner started but we rarely just take a walk to enjoy the scenery.

I remember one of my very first photo challenges when I was doing photography school was to walk around and look at the beauty right in your front yard. I didn't get it back then. I hadn't learned out to shoot with my own style. I hadn't figured out why I love photography and what it means to me. The day I figured out my purpose in photography was the exact day that my photography changed.

Our neighborhood may be quaint but it sure is gorgeous. On a side note: getting the mail for the very first time in her life was pretty dang exciting to her!

January 21st ~ Theme: Cold

Ever looked at an ice cube through a magnifying glass? Yeah me either until I borrowed my sisters macro lens filters...

January 20th ~ Theme: Family

Family is a huge thing to us "Renyer's". We may have grown up and acquired new last names but our blood will always be the same. To me nothing says family like quite like the people my daughter loves most; such as her Aunt Crystal. The pure innocent love that this little girl has towards her family is something unsurpassed by any other emotion I've ever seen. We are so thankful to have the people we call family. They have been with us through the good times and bad and these tender moments of pure joy, bring me happiness myself!

January 19th ~ Theme: Tasty

I kept wondering what I was going to photograph for today's theme because I ate a left over Jimmy John's sandwich for lunch and we were going out for dinner. After our lunch break my mom grabbed a Little Debbie for desert. I'm the sweet tooth queen but today I just wasn't feeling it... so this cupcake got eaten just for you readers.

January 18th ~ Theme: Beautiful

My original plan for today's theme was to photograph my Mom because she is my beautiful. She's helped me through every step of life, is always there for me, and is constantly encouraging me but be as it may, my schedule just didn't work out like that. So, I went for the next best thing.. my makeup brushes. Nothing makes a girl feel more beautiful than getting all dolled up and looking good.

January 17th ~ Theme: Simple

I'm actually a super complex person and most of my photos are very intricate and detailed so simple was somewhat difficult for me. Thanks to my lovely sister, the still life photographer, I was pushed outside my box. She made me try several new things, gave me lots of pointers, and a few great ideas to try. And so, here is simple..

January 16th ~ Theme: Sunshine

The sun was only out for the last hour of light today but goodness was it glorious! I'm a summer girl, I love the feeling of the warm sunshine on my face. I love sunglasses and flip flops. I love outdoor activities and being at the lake. Today, that split moment of sunshine reminded me of good memories and fresh beginnings. It was a much needed 30 minutes in the sun for me!

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